Tag: <span>mobile testing</span>

Top 10 Test Automation Trends for 2022

Test automation is becoming more important than ever, as companies seek to get to market faster and better serve their customers. Without properly conducting software tests, companies may lose money, clientele, and reputation. For large enterprises, infrastructure failures could add up to nearly $140,000 per hour on the low end and $540,000 per hour on…

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Mobile Automation Test Pyramid And Best Practices

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in: Mobile

When manual testing becomes cumbersome, the need to switch to automating your test cases becomes clear. A more robust and efficient way of testing an application, we can also include screenshots of the application while automating, which can be used for future reference and validation. Evolution of the traditional and the creation of modern businesses across different…

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Throttling Your Bandwidth to Simulate 2G, 3G, 4G & Other Connection Speeds

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With competition and, consequently, user options at an all-time high, QA teams everywhere (esp. those with large distributed user populations) are increasingly looking at testing the performance of their apps at varying bandwidth/network speeds to ensure that ALL users have a consistent experience. This is also an important metric for cellular operators to ensure their…

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Top 4 Challenges with Mobile Application Testing

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As mobile apps have overtaken PC internet usage, there is a growing shift towards mobile-first development, and consequently, Mobile testing. This has triggered new sets of challenges for developers & testers that didn’t exist up until recently. Increased mobile usage (and development) has changed user behavior wherein mobile users are increasingly unforgiving. If an app…

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What to Know Before Implementing Responsive Design

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Everyone is aware that mobile is taking over the world- 55% of global internet usage is now happening on mobile devices. But what does that mean for website design? Should designers and developers be creating stand-alonemobile sites or implementing Responsive Design to have their current site work cross-platform? We have a lot of experience with testing responsive…

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On-Demand Cross-Browser & Mobile Screenshots in Awetest

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One of the big challenges in Mobile & Cross-Platform testing is validating that the UI renders correctly across your target OS-Browser-Device Matrix.  Awetest now addresses this by allowing the user to take desktop & mobile screenshots as part of their automated run (at pre-defined intervals) and display them in the Awetest reports.  Another problem associated with executing…

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Introducing Awetest Device Lab for Automated Mobile Device Testing

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The most extreme benefit of using the Awetest Mobile Device Lab has been the amount of automated mobile device testing we are able to successfully perform in a short amount of time. We are able to conduct over 100 tests across 10 platforms under 4 hours, which is a +10x increase in test coverage over manual testing. The Awetest Device Lab provides users with speed, security, functionality, and accessibility.

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Mobile Testing Strategies to Build Better Products

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As we find ourselves in an increasingly mobile-first environment, the need for ongoing mobile compatibility evaluation has increased and made a sound mobile testing strategy critical for application developers and site owners. With nearly every American owning a personal cell phone, the likelihood of having a poor cross-device user experience warrants extensive testing. However, many…

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Leveraging Calabash for your Mobile Automation Needs

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As the mobile application market evolves (and explodes) we have been working hard on expanding Awetest’s Mobile App Testing capabilities and that’s when we discovered Calabash. As documented on the Calabash Github page, Calabash is an automated testing technology for Android and iOS native and hybrid applications.

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