Enhancing mobile presence remains one of the top priorities for CIOs in 2020 and increased mobile usage coupled with an explosion in form factors, devices, and SDKs makes mobile testing remains one of the top challenges for CIOs in 2020.
The Awetest Advantage
Awetest supports multiple open source technologies for automated testing of your responsive applications. Users can now build comprehensive test coverage to verify/validate design rules and UI look/feel across a plethora of device, SDK, browser, and breakpoint combinations.
Run on Real Devices
With Awetest you can execute your responsive tests on real iOS and Android phones, tablets.
Build Once. Test Everywhere
Now you can run a single test/script across multiple platforms, SDKs and device combinations.
Video Playback
Get video playback of phone, tablet, and emulator tests. Plus screenshots and detailed step-by-step reporting of each interaction.
Future Proof
Support for best-of-breed open source technologies coupled with constantly updated Awetest Libraries ensures your tests will remain relevant.
One of the biggest challenges with mobile testing is the fact that there are over 25,000+ unique Android devices in circulation today! This has led to a huge logistical challenge for development & QA teams everywhere. Sourcing, configuring, managing and maintaining the device infrastructure has been a huge challenge and one that we’ve spent a lot of time addressing in Awetest.
Appium is an open source test automation framework for use with native, hybrid, and mobile web apps. It drives iOS and Android apps using the WebDriver protocol.
Featured Video
The Awetest mWEB module allows users to conduct comprehensive testing across mobile iOS and Android browser platforms.
Dev & QA teams can run their tests on physical and virtual iPhones/iPads and Android phones/tablets across the entire matrix of available SDKs & operating systems.