Test automation is becoming more important than ever, as companies seek to get to market faster and better serve their customers. Without properly conducting software tests, companies may lose money, clientele, and reputation. For large enterprises, infrastructure failures could add up to nearly $140,000 per hour on the low end and $540,000 per hour on…
Read moreChoosing to outsource may seem like the perfect answer in many cases. A low cost, swift solution that can be a convenience, or even spearhead your project. The truth is, outsourcing offers as many risks as it does potential benefits. When it comes to outsourcing for software QA, these benefits and risks will have an even greater impact on…
Read moreSafari’s native development tool is Safari Inspect Element. Unlike the other browsers, Safari Inspect Element is not activated by default. We will be showing step by step instructions on how to activate it. Safari also offers a different feature from the other browsers where the user can view any webpage in a mobile device emulator. For mobile webpage testing purposes,…
Read moreThe structure and frequency of testing automation is often debated. Should you automate your tests? How should you automate? When and which tests should you automate? The debate can go on for days due to varying test results and reliability. To further complicate matters, conducting tests through an agile environment seems to make test automation a…
Read moreTraditional IT Ops teams require nearly 60% more time per week to handle support cases as compared to their DevOps Oriented Counterparts! This is just one of many statistics legitimizing DevOps as a software development methodology and it continues to be one of the big areas of focus for companies of all shapes and sizes.
Read moreHere is a list of challenges and pain points every Dev or QA manager should take into account when considering whether or not to implement test automation into their quality assurance cycle. After reading these, head to our How To section to understand how to properly implement Watir Webdriver, Selenium, and Ruby for consistent & efficient automation…
Read moreHere is a list of challenges and pain points every Dev or QA manager should take into account when considering whether or not to implement test automation within their quality assurance phase. 1. Automate Everything? Knowing when you have enough test automation coverage can be a tough realization. The test engineers we speak with on a day-to-day…
Read moreNow that you know Why Testing is Crucial for E-Commerce, lets delve into a few testing strategies for E-Commerce. The task of approaching any type testing can be daunting at first, so we’ll break it down into a few key concepts. Lets take a look at what we consider to be essentials when it comes to testing for E-Commerce. …
Read moreAs mobile apps have overtaken PC internet usage, there is a growing shift towards mobile-first development, and consequently, Mobile testing. This has triggered new sets of challenges for developers & testers that didn’t exist up until recently. Increased mobile usage (and development) has changed user behavior wherein mobile users are increasingly unforgiving. If an app…
Read moreJenkins is synonymous with the DevOps movement that is increasingly becoming a focal point for IT departments everywhere. As testing is an integral part of DevOps – we are actively integrating with popular 3rd party tools and technologies to help our customers scale their DevOps initiatives and realize the full benefit of Awetest, our Test Automation…
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