Tag: <span>Internet Explorer</span>

Turning Off Internet Explorer Auto Updates

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 How to Easily Disable Internet Explorer Auto Updates Having updates automatically installed on your computer can be a nuisance, especially when you didn’t want the update to begin with. We have simple step-by-step instructions for disabling this feature on multiple browsers. While Internet Explorer auto updates are only an issue on Windows operating systems, we…

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Attaching an IE window that isn’t ready

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There are times, we hope rare, when we need to attach an Internet Explorer window where not all of the ready states are complete. Here is an example where the window contains several frames and one of the frames never gets beyond ready state ‘loading’. Watir‘s normal #attach method waits for the overall document to…

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Attaching an IE window that isn't ready

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There are times, we hope rare, when we need to attach an Internet Explorer window where not all of the ready states are complete. Here is an example where the window contains several frames and one of the frames never gets beyond ready state ‘loading’. Watir‘s normal #attach method waits for the overall document to…

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