Our Customers typically have 4-7 “lower” environments where the underlying application is deployed and tested, multiple times by multiple teams before making it into “production”. One of the big benefits of using Awetest is the ability to create and test new environments on the fly using existing scripts. When an automation script is written, it…
Read moreMentioned in an earlier post, roo is a great gem to use with watir to do excel validations. You can use roo to find values in specific cells or within a range of cells. Naturally, you would want to do your data analysis across a range of cells to avoid unnecessary work and lines of…
Read moreMentioned in an earlier post, roo is a great gem to use with watir to do excel validations. You can use roo to find values in specific cells or within a range of cells. Naturally, you would want to do your data analysis across a range of cells to avoid unnecessary work and lines of…
Read moreRoo is a gem that lets you access contents of , 1> Excel Spreadsheets(.xls), 2> Open office spread sheets(.ods), 3>Excel’s new format .xlsx and 4>Google spreadsheets. Consider the following spreadsheet: The above spreadsheet can be accessed using the following code:
1 |
require 'rubygems' |
#Require the roo library in the script
1 |
require 'roo' |
# To parse an excel…
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