We have worked together with Jenkins to be able to offer a Continuous Delivery pairing with Awetest for comprehensive automated testing. Jenkins is synonymous with the DevOps movement that is increasingly becoming a focal point for IT departments everywhere.   As testing is an integral part of DevOps –  we are actively integrating with popular 3rd party tools and technologies to help our customers scale their DevOps initiatives and realize the full benefit of  Awetest, our Test Automation offering.


Tighter integration with Jenkins is one of the first things we’re doing as part of expanding our coverage and interoperability in this ecosystem.   With the Awetest API, we have made it dead simple to get basic integration in place with the option to customize it to whatever degree a particular team might need.

In a nutshell: the integration with Awetest allows customers to automatically trigger a predefined set/sets of tests to be executed against a specific Jenkins build once the build is successfully completed.  All this can be done  programmatically through the Awetest REST API and can be built directly in the Jenkins console.

More about Jenkins

Jenkins is an extensible open source continuous integration server. It’s a cross-platform continuous delivery application that increases productivity, and we use Jenkins to build and test software projects continuously making it easier for developers to integrate changes to the project, and making it easier for users to obtain a fresh build. It also provides powerful ways to define build pipelines and integrates with a large number of testing and deployment technologies.

We’d love to hear your thoughts or experiences with Awetest & Jenkins, and you can always contact us to get more details.