Tag: <span>ruby</span>

How to edit word documents using Ruby…

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This blog outlines how to do scripting for test cases that involve editing of word documents or verification of the contents of a word document. The script would need to have:

To open an MS word document:

The Range(x,y) specifies the place at which text will be inserted. “.Text” allows to insert text…

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Handling Ajax drop down within a table…

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I have been working on Ruby and Watir technologies for a while now. While enjoying the versatility of Watir (as evident from Željko Filipin’s Watir solution for playing pacman, http://zeljkofilipin.com/2010/05/29/play-google-pacman-with-watir/) – I realized that there are certain scenarios in which we do not have direct method for accomplishing a task. For example, when we have…

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