Timeline Blog

BRM GUI Testing

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April, 20

As discussed in our overview of Oracle BRM Testing, there are several aspects to testing BRM.  In this post, we’ll be focusing on the Front-End aspect of testing.  Typically, this is the interface that is used internally by the Business Configuration Center to manage the customer accounts, product upgrades, billing information corrections, etc. It is…

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Testing Oracle BRM (Billing & Revenue Management)

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in: BRM
April, 20

Revenue Management is a major component in any business, and especially so for customer centric B2C industries, such as telecommunications. BRM (Business Revenue Management) systems can be used to manage the complete flow of revenue information. 3Qi has been involved in testing BRM components by leveraging our in-house product, Awetest. Awetest is a cloud-based testing tool which…

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Handle AJAX Calls Using Selenium

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April, 20

What is AJAX?  Ajax is a combination of different web development techniques which run in a user’s browser and exchange data with a webserver to update a webpage or parts of a webpage. As the name AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, AJAX uses XMLHttpRequest calls to request data from a server and JavaScript…

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