Automating Text Extraction from Modal Dialogs with AutoIt

DevOps & Testing

January 11, 2011

Modal dialogs can be challenging to handle in automated testing because they often block interaction with other browser elements. However, using AutoIt, you can simulate user actions to extract text from a modal dialog and save it for further processing. This guide walks you through the steps to achieve this using AutoIt.

Step 1: Focus on the Modal Dialog

First, ensure your script activates and interacts with the modal dialog. Use the following code to bring the modal dialog into focus:

site.button(:text, "OK").click

This simulates clicking an "OK" button or similar trigger to bring up the modal dialog.

Step 2: Right-Click on the Text

Position the mouse over the text in the modal dialog and simulate a right-click:

ai.MouseClick("right", 660, 370)

Adjust the coordinates (660, 370) to center the mouse over the desired text.

Step 3: Select and Copy the Text

Simulate the keystrokes needed to select all text and copy it to the clipboard:

ai.Send("a")  # Select All
ai.Send("^c") # Copy (Ctrl + C)

Step 4: Open Notepad

Run Notepad to paste and retrieve the copied text:


This ensures Notepad is active and ready for input.

Step 5: Paste the Text into Notepad

Paste the copied text into Notepad using the following command:

ai.Send("^v") # Paste (Ctrl + V)

Step 6: Extract and Save the Text

Retrieve the text from Notepad and save it to a variable:

dialogtext = ai.WinGetText("Untitled")
puts dialogtext # Output the dialog text

At this point, the dialogtext variable holds the extracted text from the modal dialog.

Step 7: Close Notepad Without Saving

Close Notepad without saving the content:

ai.Send("!f") # Open File menu
ai.Send("x")  # Exit
ai.Send("n")  # Do not save

This sequence ensures Notepad is closed cleanly without saving changes.


By combining AutoIt with basic scripting logic, you can automate the extraction of text from modal dialogs, even when the dialog blocks other interactions. This method is particularly useful for automating workflows that require retrieving dynamic data from modal windows.

Feel free to experiment with these steps and adjust coordinates or window titles to suit your specific application. Let us know how you’ve used AutoIt to solve similar challenges in your testing!