API Testing: Best Practices

DevOps & Testing

March 18, 2017

Image courtesy of NordicAPIs.com

APIs are the backbone of modern applications, enabling interaction between different systems and services. With the increasing reliance on APIs in today’s interconnected digital landscape, the need for robust API testing becomes critical. As of 2017, over 83% of web traffic is API-driven (Akamai, 2017), with businesses increasingly adopting microservices architectures and cloud-native solutions. Effective API testing not only ensures that applications function as expected but also safeguards the reliability and security of the communication between different systems. Below, we outline key best practices to follow for API testing that will help you streamline processes, identify potential issues early, and achieve a higher quality of software.

1. Understand the API Specification

Before diving into testing, thoroughly review the API documentation to ensure you understand the expected inputs, outputs, and behaviors. In 2017, poorly documented APIs were still a significant issue, with 67% of developers citing a lack of proper documentation as one of the top API development challenges (SmartBear, 2017). Pay close attention to the types of requests (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), the parameters required, and the expected responses. Understanding the specification allows you to ensure full test coverage and create more accurate test scenarios.

2. Test API Functionality

Focus first on validating the core functionality of the API. Start with the “happy path” – typical, expected use cases where all inputs are valid. According to a 2017 report by SmartBear, over 54% of developers identified API functional testing as the most critical testing area in their workflows (SmartBear, 2017). Validate that the API performs the correct action and returns the expected response. Once the happy path is validated, expand your tests to cover edge cases, such as missing or invalid inputs, to ensure the API handles errors gracefully.

3. Test for All Possible Input Combinations

To ensure your API can handle a wide range of real-world scenarios, test with multiple combinations of input parameters. In 2017, 80% of API issues were caused by improper handling of edge cases, making it vital to simulate various combinations (Postman, 2017). Automating these test cases can significantly speed up the testing process and increase coverage.

4. Perform Security Testing

APIs are a common target for attacks, making security testing essential. With 82% of public APIs experiencing security vulnerabilities in 2017 (OWASP, 2017), validating authentication mechanisms such as OAuth or token-based authentication is more important than ever. Ensure that only authorized users can access the API. Additionally, check for vulnerabilities like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and data leakage. Securing APIs protects sensitive information and mitigates risks that could lead to data breaches or malicious attacks.

5. Test for Performance

Performance is a critical aspect of API testing, particularly in high-traffic systems. In 2017, 52% of API providers reported performance as a major concern, with businesses depending on real-time data and processing (CA Technologies, 2017). Test the API’s ability to handle high volumes of requests by conducting load and stress testing. Measure the response time, throughput, and resource usage under different conditions. This helps identify potential bottlenecks and ensures the API can scale effectively without compromising on speed or reliability.

6. Validate API Response Data

Ensure that the API returns the correct data in the expected format. According to 2017 data, inconsistent data formatting was responsible for 38% of API errors (SmartBear, 2017). This includes validating the response structure (e.g., JSON or XML), checking the values of specific fields, and verifying data consistency across multiple endpoints. Incorrect or incomplete data can lead to significant problems downstream, so verifying the integrity of the response is crucial for ensuring application correctness.

7. Automate API Testing

Given the repetitive nature of API testing, automation can save time and resources while providing consistent test coverage. By 2017, 62% of development teams had already automated their API tests using tools like Postman, RestAssured, or custom scripts (SmartBear, 2017). Automated tests can run frequently, such as during CI/CD pipelines, ensuring that any changes or updates to the API do not introduce new bugs. Automation allows you to quickly identify and address issues before they impact users.

8. Mock and Virtualize APIs

During development, APIs may still be in progress, or third-party APIs may have limitations on usage. As of 2017, mocking APIs was a popular practice, with 41% of developers using mock environments to simulate API behavior (Postman, 2017). Mocking allows you to simulate API behavior without needing the actual API. Virtualizing APIs enables you to test how your system interacts with external services, reducing dependencies and potential delays in testing. This approach can accelerate your development process while still maintaining quality.

9. Monitor API Performance in Production

Even after extensive testing, it’s important to monitor API performance once it’s in production. Real-world usage can uncover issues not anticipated during testing. In 2017, 30% of API performance issues were only discovered post-launch (New Relic, 2017). Implement monitoring tools that track response times, errors, and other performance metrics. This helps you proactively identify and address problems before they affect end users.

10. Ensure Comprehensive API Documentation

While not strictly part of testing, comprehensive documentation is critical for both developers and testers. As of 2017, a staggering 72% of developers complained about inadequate API documentation (ProgrammableWeb, 2017). Clear, well-structured documentation helps ensure consistent understanding across teams and makes it easier to create meaningful test cases. Regularly updating the documentation to reflect any changes in the API is equally important to prevent misunderstandings that can lead to incorrect test assumptions.


API testing is a vital component of ensuring the quality, security, and performance of modern applications. With the API economy driving significant growth in 2017, with APIs responsible for over $1 trillion in annual revenue for companies globally (McKinsey, 2017), following these best practices will help you build robust test strategies that provide comprehensive coverage and catch critical issues early in the development cycle. By prioritizing functionality, security, and performance testing – and leveraging automation where possible – you’ll ensure that your APIs remain reliable and scalable in the face of ever-growing demands.