Category: <span>Best Practices</span>

Parametrize Your Automation Scripts!

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Our Customers typically have 4-7 “lower” environments where the underlying application is deployed and tested, multiple times by multiple teams before making it into “production”. One of the big benefits of using Awetest is the ability to create and test new environments on the fly using existing scripts. When an automation script is written, it…

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Handling Ajax drop down within a table…

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I have been working on Ruby and Watir technologies for a while now. While enjoying the versatility of Watir (as evident from Željko Filipin’s Watir solution for playing pacman, – I realized that there are certain scenarios in which we do not have direct method for accomplishing a task. For example, when we have…

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Use of XPath in WATIR

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WATIR allows you to access elements based on pre-defined attributes. But there are some cases where a simple watir method cannot be used. Cases such as below: Case 1 – > There is an element that cannot be accessed using pre-defined attributes Case 2 -> There is no API for a particular HTML element Case…

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AutoIT and Basic Authentication on Locked Machines

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When doing automated testing, it’s common to run into a basic authentication window before you can access the application. WATIR can’t handle these authentication windows very well because it’s basically a modal popup with no associated DOM. That’s where AutoIT can be used to handle these authentication windows. You can use AutoIT to send basic…

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Modal Dialogs and AutoIT

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Modal dialogs are pop-ups that need attention before the user can go back to their testing window. Modal dialogs are difficult to automate using only Ruby and Watir because you can’t access the html source code of a modal dialog. Since AutoIT does not require any source code to operate, it is a viable tool…

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