Category: <span>Best Practices</span>

Cucumber 101: How Does Cucumber Automated Testing Work ?

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This uptick in Cucumber usage has been triggered by a variety of factors – increased Agile adoption, Cucumber’s easy to understand natural language syntax, support for TDD, BDD, etc. As the level of interest and Skepticism (The “This is too good to be true” crowd) rises, one of the many questions we’re constantly asked is “How does Cucumber Work”?

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5 Types of Software Testing Explained

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Whether you are an engineer yourself or just someone who uses a computer, you understand how important it is that software gets tested.  While there are varying opinions on what types of testing are important, there are many fundamental tests that have to run no matter what type of software you are developing. Within the…

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Scale Your Automation with Watir WebDriver Implicit Waits

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As the volume of your Regression Test Automation assets grows it becomes imperative to build your automation in a way that is scalable and dependable. Sleep functions and explicit waits, wherein the script waits for a pre-defined period duration (e.g. 10 seconds) creates a slow running test, which is not ideal for a variety of reasons. Try scaling your automation with Watir WebDriver implicit waits.

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Debug Watir Webdriver Scripts with Pry

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Pry is a powerful alternative to the standard IRB shell for Ruby, featuring syntax highlighting, a flexible plugin architecture, runtime invocation, and source and documentation browsing. Using Pry to Debug Watir Webdriver scripts is intrinsically the same as using IRB but one of the main advantages of Pry is the ability to invoke it in the middle of a running program.

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Predefined Cucumber Steps for your Awetest Automated Testing Scripts

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Our customers having been loving the ability to write and execute (simple English) cucumber Automated Testing Scripts for a while now. Here is a cheat sheet, a listing of all the Awetest Pre defined Cucumber steps that account for the bulk of the interactions in most web applications, making it easier for users to start writing simple Cucumber tests.

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Mobile Testing Strategies to Build Better Products

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As we find ourselves in an increasingly mobile-first environment, the need for ongoing mobile compatibility evaluation has increased and made a sound mobile testing strategy critical for application developers and site owners. With nearly every American owning a personal cell phone, the likelihood of having a poor cross-device user experience warrants extensive testing. However, many…

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Designing for Automation: Use the ‘title’ attribute to mark sections.

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Webdriver doesn’t recognize element attributes not part of the HTML definitions.   So aria-xxxx and dojo-xxx attributes are much slower to locate in the DOM.   Whenever one of the standard attributes can carry a unique value on the page that describes a business object or function directly understandable to a business user, automation will be easier…

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